
Hyde allows Java code to be easily integrated with JTcll. Three levels of integration are offered:

  • simple Java methods that define Tcl procedures.
  • JTcl extensions in Java, with full access to JTcl library features.
  • arbitrary Java classes.

Hyde compiles Java code on-the-fly - there is no need for a separate compilation step for Java code. Hyde requires access to a Java compiler during development (janinocp by default), but not necessarily for deployment.

Hyde saves compiled Java bytecodes in simple Tcl source files. This allows for faster execution after initial compilation, and allows applications to be bundled when a Java compiler may not be available. Runtime properties direct whether Java code should be run from cache or compiled - the default is to compile Java code when cached bytecode doesn't exists, or when the Tcl source file's timestamp is greater than the cached bytecode file's timestamp (basically, a make/ant function.) The bytecode cache file is simply a Tcl source file in ASCII format. The bytecode cache file is sourced at startup using a Tcl safe slave interpreter.

Hyde requires use of a Java compiler. Hyde supports the following Java compilers. Note that Janino is included with JTcl, and is recommended:

  • Janino Compiler version 2.4.5+ Mostly Java version 1.4 compatible.
  • Java JDK version 1.4.2+
  • Jikes version 1.15+ Java version 1.4 compatible.
  • GCJ version 3.0+
  • Pizza Compiler version 1.1+ Java version 1.4 compatible.


Include the hyde package in Tcl source files:

    package require hyde

Hyde Commands

Three Tcl procedures are available, each compiling Java source code, each in a different manner.

  • ::hyde::jproc simple Java methods
  • ::hyde::jcommand JTcl command extensions, accessing the JTcl interpreter
  • ::hyde::jclass arbitrary Java classes

Two hyde commands configure and clean up compiler artifacts.

  • ::hyde::configure configure hyde behavior
  • ::hyde::rmcompiledir removes and cleans up the compiler temporary directory

Two hyde commands provide utilty procedures to set objects from a list or an array.

  • ::hyde::setFromList sets an object from a list
  • ::hyde::setFromArray sets an object from an array

Hyde Configuration

Hyde's behavior can be controlled through use the ::hyde::configure command.

::hyde::configure -option-name value

Configuration Options

  • -runtime value

    values: compile (default), forcecompile runfromcache

    Specifies how Hyde should deal with Java source code. The default is to conditionaly compile Java source when cached bytecodes are not available or when the Tcl source file containing the Java code is newer than the bytecode cache file.

    • compile causes java source to be compiled if not already cached or is out of date.
    • forcecompile causes Java source to be compiled each time the program is run.
    • runfromcache specifies that Java code should only be executed from pre-compiled cache. This is especially useful when shipping applications to environments where a Java compiler may not be available.

      When runtime is compile or forcecompile and the writecache property is set, compiled bytecodes are written to cache after compilation.

  • -cachefile filename

    values: filename (default: hydecache.tcl) Specifies the file in which cached bytecode should be used, and which compiled code is saved. This file read during package initialization so that any previously compiled hyde commands are available.

  • -compiler compiler

    values: janinocp, janino, pizza, javac, jikes, gcj

    Specifies which internal compiler method should be used to compile Java source code:

    • janino is the default for standalone JTcl, using the Janino compiler in process
    • janinocp using the Janino compiler with additional class resolution via the webapp classpath.
    • pizza using the Pizza Compiler in process
    • javac specifies the Sun's Java SDK compiler, via exec.
    • jikes specifies the IBM Jikes compiler, via exec.
    • gcj specifies the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) gcj compiler, via exec.

      The javac jikes or gcj command(s) must be available on your execution PATH. The Janino and Pizza compilers are used in process and do not require exec'ing a separate program.

  • -compiledir directory-path

    values: directory-path Set the directory in which Java code is compiled. Default is an unique temp directory, using the value from the Java system property java.io.tmpdir as its parent.

  • -writecache value

    values: 0, 1 (default) Turn on/off writinng to the hydecache.tcl cache file (or filename as defined by the cachefile option).

  • -debug value

    values: 0 (default), 1 Turn on/off internal puts statements to trace hyde's processing.


  package require hyde
  ::hyde::configure -debug 1
  ::hyde::configure -cachefile mypkg/bytecodes.tcl
  ::hyde::configure -runtime runfromcache

::hyde::configure when executed with only an option (no value) will return the current value of that option. Executing with no arguments returns a list of all option value pairs


::hyde::jproc returntype procname typed-arg-list -package package-name -import class-list -extends class -implements class-list -auxmethods code -throws exception-list -body body body

::hyde::jproc compiles and loads a static method callable as a Tcl procedure. Hyde creates a Java class named procnameCmd and a static method named procname A Tcl proc is defined to call the static method using the java::call command. The Tcl proc should be called with the same number of arguments as specified in typed-arg-list

The class is declared in the hyde Java package to avoid name collision, unless the optional package package-name option is specified. For easiest integration with Tcl, the method should return void int long float double char boolean or String Returning other Java objects requires use of the java package and java object commands to manipulate the return value.


  • returntype

    a Java type that specifies the return type of the method. If the method does not return a value, void should specified as returntype. Required.

  • procname

    the name of the resulting Tcl procedure. The procname may include a namespace qualifier. Required.

  • typed-arg-list

    a Tcl list of Java types and argument names. The list should contain Java types followed by an arugment name, e.g. int x int y String str} Required.

  • -package package-name

    specifies a package declaration for the class. The default is the hyde package. The package-name may be a null string, in which no package declaration will be included. Optional.

  • -import class-list

    specifies a Tcl list of packages that are required by the Java code. Each import class-list item may import all classes from a pacakge, e.g. import java.sql.* java.util.Date Optional.

  • -extends class

    specifies a Java base class to extend. The base class should also be imported with the import option. Optional.

  • -implements class-list

    specifies Java classes to implement. The classes should also be imported with the import option. Optional.

  • -auxmethods code

    specifies extra Java code to be inserted in the class. This allows additional methods and class variables to be inserted in the class. Optional.

  • -throws exception-list

    specifies a Tcl list of exception classes that may be thrown by the Java code. Optional.

  • -body body

    -body is an optional noise word option to specify the body. Otherwise, the body must appear as the last argument.

  • body

    Java code to be used as the Tcl proc. The Java code must return the same type as specified as returntype. Required.


::hyde::jcommand procname -import class-list -dispose code -auxmethods code -body body body

::hyde::jcommand compiles and loads a Java class as a Tcl Extension. Hyde creates a Java class named procnameCmd and a public method cmdProc implementing Command, throwing TclException.

The body should be Java code to implement the Tcl command. Method arguments (Interp interp, TclObject[] argv) are automatically defined. Hyde also imports tcl.lang.*. Additional classes may be imported. If extra methods and/or class variables need to be compiled, use the optional auxmethods code argument. The Tcl command may also specify cleanup code when the command is deleted by using the dispose code agrument.

The class is declared in the hyde package namespace. The procname is bound to the resulting class as a Tcl Extension.

For information on the JTcl API, see the JTcl API Javadoc


  • procname

    the name of the resulting Tcl procedure. The procname may include a namespace qualifier. Required.

  • -import class-list

    specifies a Tcl list of packages that are required by the Java code. Each import class-list item may import all classes from a pacakge, e.g. import java.sql.* java.util.Date Optional.

  • -dispose code

    specifies extra Java code to be inserted in the class. code should define a void disposeCmd() method body to execute when the command is deleted by the interpreter, either when the interpreter is exiting, or when a command is deleted by rename cmd Optional.

  • -auxmethods code

    specifies extra Java code to be inserted in the class. code This allows additional methods and class variables to be inserted in the command class. Optional.

  • -body body

    -body is an optional noise word option to specify the body. Otherwise, the body must appear as the last argument.

  • body

    Java code to be used as the Tcl command. The Java code should call interp.setResult() with a valid return value. Specifically, the body code is inserted as the cmdProc implementation. Required.


::hyde::jclass classname -package package-name -access type -import class-list -extends class -implements class-list -properties property-type-list -hashequals property-list -tostring property-list -include java-file -body body body

::hyde::jclass compiles and loads arbitrary Java class. Java code compiled is automatically defined in the 'hyde' package, or may be overridden with the -package option. Access to the compiled object can be made through use of the java::new and java::call commands from the JTcl java package (as well as any of the other java::* commands.)

Programmers should avoid class names ending in Cmd ::hyde::jproc and ::hyde::jcommand generate class names by appending Cmd to their procnames.

The Java code can be defined by either by a body definition or by including a file with the include option.


  • classname

    the name of the resulting Java class. Required.

  • -package package-name

    specifies a package declaration for the class. The default is the hyde package. The package-name may be a null string, in which no package declaration will be included. Optional.

  • -access type

    one of public protected or private Default is package level access scope. Optional.

  • -extends class

    specifies another Java class to extend. class should be in the local package or included in the import option.

  • -implements class-list

    specifies a list of interfaces to extend. Any listed class-list should be in the local package or included in the import option.

  • -import class-list

    specifies a Tcl list of packages that are required by the Java code. Each import class-list item may import all classes from a pacakge, e.g. import java.sql.* java.util.Date Any class name used in extends implements import or as a field, local variable, or argument should be included in the import class-list unless those class names are fully qualified. Optional.

  • -properties property-type-list

    specifies a list of class fields to define, along with getter and setter methods for each. Each element of the property-type-list must be a sub-list of two or three elements: type fieldname optional-init-value type must be a valid Java primitive type, or an object, fieldname is a valid Java identifier, optional-init-value is an optional initializer. All property fields are declared as private and getter/setter methods are defined, following Java bean camel-case conventions and as underscore separated method names. Optional.


    -properties { {int id} {String name} }

    defines the following methods:

        public void setId (int id)
        public void set_id (int id)
        public int getId ()
        public int get_id ()
        public void setName (String name)
        public void set_name (String name)
        public String getName ()
        public String get_name ()
  • -tostring property-list

    specifies a list of properties that are also defined in the properties argument to be used in defining toString() toStringList() toList(interp,varname) and toArray(interp,arrayname) methods. toString() returns a String presentation of the object properties and their values; toStringList() returns a String in Tcl list format of property-name value pairs; toList requires an Interp and varname arguments, and sets the varname as a Tcl list of property-name value pairs, with any Java object returned as an object; toArray requires an Interp and arrayname arguments, and sets the arrayname as a Tcl array, with property name as key, any Java object set as an object. If the property-list argument is * then all property fields will be used for the tostring methods. Optional.

  • -hashequals property-list

    specifies a list of properties that are also defined in the properties argument to be used in defining hashCode() and equals() methods. If the property-list value is * then all property fields will be used for hashCode and equals methods. Optional.

  • -include java-file

    specifies a file containing Java source to include as the class definition. The class or interface defined in the java-file mustmatch the classname argument, and the package argument must be specified and match the pacakge name of the file. No other argument are allowed when using the include argument. Optional.

  • -body body

    -body is an optional noise word option to specify the body. Otherwise, the body must appear as the last argument.

  • body

    Java code to be used as the class or interface. The class name must be the same as the defined classname. Required.


::hyde::configure -option value

Refer to the above section Hyde Configuration for usage details.



Removes the compile temporary directory. Hyde write compiled files to a temporary directory so that subsequent hyde commands can find compiled classes. This command removes the compilation .class files and directory. You can safely remove the compile directory after all hyde procedures, commands, and classes have been defined. Be careful not to execute this command if you have set the configuration compiledir to a valuable directory.


::hyde::setFromList object propertyValueList

Iterates over the propertyValueList which must be a flat list of property-names and values, invoking the object's set_$property method for each property and value. Useful for java objects created with the ::hyde::jclass command with -properties argument.


::hyde::setFromArray object arrayName

Similar to ::hyde::setFromList, but the arrayName argument should be the name of an array that contains the object's property names as keys.


Classes that you import will need to be available on your CLASSPATH, available on env(TCL_CLASSPATH), or specified with the java::import command.

Java classes defined with ::hyde::jclass are automatically placed in the hyde Java package namespace. This allows Java code defined with ::hyde::jproc or ::hyde::jcommand to import from the hyde package. The hyde directory (or directory derived from hyde.cachefile) is added to the CLASSPATH during compilation.

Hyde exports its interfaces, so it is possible in your code to import those procs. Afterwards, the ::hyde:: namespace qualifier is not needed:

      package require hyde
      namespace import hyde::*
      jproc int Foo {foo bar} { .... }

If you import classes with the same class names from other packages, you may need to fully qualify your classes to avoid conflict.

The Pizza compiler is not included in the Hyde distribution. If you would like to use it, download the pizza-1.1.jar file from the Pizza project, and place it in the hyde/pizza directory.


Nested classes coded in ::hyde::jclass and hyde::jcommand are problematic, as multiple class files are generated by the compiler, and the bytecode cache loader in Hyde is fairly simplistic. Currently, you shouldn't code inner classes, as inner classes will not be loaded into the JVM, causing missing class errors.

The Janino compiler (default) is mostly Java 1.4 compatible. See Janino.net for more information about Janino. Janino is included in the JTcl distribution and is also used by JTcl's TJC (Tcl-to-Java) compiler.


Fibonacci calculator using ::hyde::jproc

  package require hyde

  ::hyde::jproc int fibHyde {int n} {
      if (n <= 0) {return 0;}
      if (n == 1) {return 1;}
     return (fibHyde(n-1) + fibHyde(n-2));

  puts "Fibonacci sequence to 20:"
  for {set i 1} {$i <= 20} {incr i} {
      puts [fibHyde $i]

String rotate command using ::hyde::jcommand e.g., rot13 encoding)

  package require hyde

  ::hyde::jcommand rotate -body {

        // check arguments, must have at least a string, optional rotate-count
        if (argv.length < 2 || argv.length > 3) {
             throw new TclNumArgsException(interp, 1, argv, "string ?rotate-count?");
        String str = argv[1].toString();

        // optional 'rotate-count' argument, default is 13
        int count = 13;
        if (argv.length == 3) {
              int x = TclInteger.get(interp, argv[2]);
              if (x >= 0 && x <= 26) {
                    count = x;
              } else {
                    throw new TclException(interp, "invalid rotate-count value, must be in the range 0 to 26");

        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(str.length());

        String lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
              char c = str.charAt(i);
              int idx;
              if ((idx = lower.indexOf(c)) >= 0) {
                    result.append(lower.charAt(idx + count));
              } else if ((idx = upper.indexOf(c)) >= 0) {
                    result.append(upper.charAt(idx + count));
              } else {

  # rot13 too easy to break, super secret rot1/rot25 encoding!!
  set message "JTcl is Cool!"
  set secret  [rotate $message 1]
  puts "Pssst! pass it on: $secret"
  puts "decode the secret: [rotate $secret 25]"

Simple bean object using hyde::jclass additional isValid() method:

  package require hyde

  ::hyde::jclass Employee -import java.util.Date -properties {
        {int id -1}
        {String name}
        {Date hireDate}
  } -tostring * -hashequals * -body {
        public boolean isValid() {
              if (id == -1 || name == null || hireDate == null) {
                    return false;
              } else {
                    return true;

  set emp1 [java::new hyde.Employee]
  $emp1 setId 86
  $emp1 setName "Maxwell Smart"
  $emp1 set_hireDate [java::new java.util.Date]
  puts "employee [$emp1 get_id] isValid? [$emp1 isValid]"

  foreach {prop value} [$emp1 toStringList] {
       puts "$prop: $value"

  $emp1 toList [java::getinterp] empList
  puts $empList

  $emp1 toArray [java::getinterp] empArr
  puts "hire date is: [$empArr(hireDate) toString]"

  ::hyde::jclass Bar -hashequals * -tostring * -properties { {int id} {String name} }
  set bar1 [java::new hyde.Bar]
  set bar2 [java::new hyde.Bar]
  set bar3 [java::new hyde.Bar]
  $bar1 setId 1
  $bar1 setName Tod
  $bar1 toList [java::getinterp] bar1List
  puts $bar1List
  ::hyde::setFromList $bar2 $bar1List
  puts [$bar1 equals $bar2]
  array set myArray $bar1List
  ::hyde::setFromArray $bar3 myArray
  puts [$bar1 equals $bar3]